After 37 Years Of Marriage, She Leaves Her Husband For Her Best Friend “I Fell In Love”

When making the decision to marry, there are no guarantees that the union will last a lifetime. However, there are instances where individuals find themselves unhappy but lack the courage to end the relationship, fearing that it would be seen as a personal failure. Yet, some choose to look deep within themselves and make a different choice, prioritizing their own desires and braving the challenges that may come. This is precisely what an American woman did when she left her husband after turning 60, embarking on a romantic relationship with her best friend.

Liz Hilliard, nearing the age of 70, is renowned for her remarkable physical fitness and her creation of the Hilliard Studio Method, a fitness program that empowers people to sculpt their bodies. However, it is Liz’s personal story that has captivated attention, as she made the bold decision to leave the man with whom she had spent the majority of her life, in order to be with her best friend, Lee. Hilliard admitted that she didn’t immediately comprehend her evolving feelings, but gradually, and unknowingly, she fell in love with her current partner. She reflected, “I believe this sentiment had been developing within me for quite some time without my conscious awareness. Can a change happen in an instant? Absolutely.”

At the age of 64, she took a deep breath and made her choice: she divorced her husband and embarked on a new path. “The end of a long-lasting marriage liberated me from the social constraints that held me back and prevented me from being true to myself. I became the person I had feared becoming, and that set me free.”

Liz encountered limitations, doubts, and hesitations along the way, but ultimately discovered her freedom, which she documented in her book, “Be Strong: Find Your Strength at Any Age.” Throughout her journey of introspection and self-discovery, her former best friend and current partner, Lee, stood by her side, offering support and guidance. Liz expressed, “Love often lurks in the most unexpected places and in the hearts of people around us. In my case, it was right in front of my eyes. When I finally acknowledged my inner voice, it became evident that I had fallen in love with Lee. We were not just friends but women who found ourselves going through divorce simultaneously. She is 26 years my junior.”

Despite initially facing denial, Liz managed to embrace her true feelings and found unexpected allies in her daughter and ex-husband, who eventually understood and supported her decision. It is never too late to seek genuine happiness, wouldn’t you agree?

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