Incredible Discovery: Uruguayan Miners Stumble Upon Beautiful Heart-Shaped Amethyst Geode in Nature’s Wonders

Incredible Discovery: Uruguayan Miners Stumble Upon Beautiful Heart-Shaped Amethyst Geode in Nature’s Wonders

Gems and minerals are often given as tokens of affection, but then check out this ultimate love gift – by nature.

This uniquely shaped amethyst geode was spotted by Uruguay Minerals at the border of Uruguay and Brazil when workers broke open a rock that revealed a heart on either side of it.

The miners, who were busy getting an excavation going, had no idea that they would soon discover a geode as lovely as this one. In fact, it started as a usual day at work.

“We were opening the mine to work normally,” Marcos Lorenzelli of Uruguay Minerals told My Modern Met, “but the land was difficult to work and our employees said, ‘We have to find something really nice due to the hard work we are doing.’”

Surprisingly, this unusual start of the day soon yielded results. Impressive ones, for that matter. Those employees soon held the loveliest amethyst(s) on Planet Earth in their hands!

An excellent example of how changing your mind(set), even for a shortwhile, can result in a once-in-a-lifetime find. It’s really true.

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