Children Don’t Say They Have Anxiety, They Say Something Like ‘My Stomach Hurts!’

As adults, we should always give more attention to our children when they grow up because they discover new emotions and feelings while aging. Your child is not the same child when he or she was born, they see the world when they grow up and when there’s nobody to explain to them the new things they discover they become anxious. Instead of playing like normal children they usually become isolated and reserved.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns for children and adults, affecting upwards of 20% of children and adolescents over the lifespan. Anxious youth are often quiet and well behaved, and thus frequently go unnoticed by their parents, teachers, and coaches. Alternatively others can be disruptive and act out, being labeled as having attention deficit disorder or being a “bad” kid. Both scenarios result in youth failing to receive the help they desperately need. Sadly, untreated anxiety can lead to depression, missed opportunities in career and relationships, increased substance use, and a decreased quality of life.

Parents often say that from a very young age, they knew there was something different about their child, but did not immediately recognize it as an anxiety problem. Some waited for their child to “grow out of it”, never expecting their child to become even more debilitated over time. Other parents viewed the anxious behaviors as normal as, they, too behaved in a similar way. As a result, parents of anxious children and teens are often confused about what to do, as well as frustrated, and overwhelmed.

What child doesn’t have a moment in which they cower behind their parents because it is dark outside, or because they heard a loud noise? In these situations, the child is anxious, but rightfully so, leaving no cause for concern. But, in some cases, children can develop an anxiety disorder which will affect their relationships, their education, and their overall quality of life. Recent statistics have shown us that at least 1 out of every 8 children develops an anxiety disorder. If left untreated, the initial anxiety disorder can transpire into difficulty maintaining and developing connections with their peers, severe sleep disturbance, and substance dependency.

Always pay attention to these instances and if your child displays them often you better take necessary steps, because anxiety is something that can turn out to different than the things you would expect.

Be cautious of these signs.

#1. Constant stomach aches during stressful situations

#2. Agitation

#3. Restless behavior

#4. Avoiding people/situations that could even slightly stress them out

#5. Meltdowns over slight issues

#6. Difficulty transitioning

#7. Extreme perfectionism

#8. Strange coping mechanisms that could be considered as self-harm (biting, scratching, pinching or even the pulling of their own hair)

If you notice any of these seek the help of a trusted therapist. Catching the symptoms early can mean a better probability for therapeutic intervention, meaning medicine may not even be necessary. Above all- listen to your child, within reason. Use your better judgment and stay tuned into your child’s normal behaviors and habits. Doing these simple things can make all the difference in the world.

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