Father and Twin Sons Cut Enough Firewood for 80 Trucks – Give It All Away to People in Need

We tend to witness so much injustice throughout our lifetime, and it seems that generosity is becoming a thing of the past. This being said, there are many people who go out of their way to do their good deeds, and they restore our faith in humanity.

Since they were kids, twins Harrison and Henry McDaniel would go to the woods with dad Shane to chop and collect firewood. Never being bothered by this back-breaking activity, they see this as an opportunity to bond as a family and help out the community as well. With heavy rains and storms in Lake Stevens, Washington, there were so many trees that had fallen. In an interview, Shane went on to state: “I had a lot of wood I had to cut because of storm damage and trees that were taken down. It just kept piling up and piling up. Once it got to be such an amount of wood we decided we could do something better with it.

This father and son trio came up with the most ingenious idea to put all their hard work to help out the community by offering firewood to those in need of some. In an interview with PEOPLE Magazine, the trio explained: “The Pacific Northwest is a pretty rugged area, it’s cold and wet. Once I started, I saw the need and my eyes were opened up. So many people were stopping and asking to buy it and we just started giving it away.”

From March through October back in 2018, the father sons’ trio was able to chop up wood to fill up 80 trucks. Even after distributing to the community, they had plenty left over, so they took it to Facebook and shared and asked people if they needed any firewood to keep their homes during winter. Man who saw this post were taken utterly by surprised, and it went a long way, as many wanted to be a part of what the McDaniels had started, volunteered to distribute firewood as well. Shane states that: “It’s a pretty wonderful thing to see. You can just see this feeling of pride and sharing that I don’t think they had before. When you do good things for people, they don’t forget. I love helping people.”

I wish that there were more people who are noble as this family is, to make this world a better place. We hope that this story would have touched your heart, so share with your family and friends, and inspire others to do a good deed as well.

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