Family Turns Heads By Writing a Brutally Honest Obituary

Typically, when a loved one passes away, it’s common for their family to pay tribute by sharing a heartfelt obituary in the local newspaper. However, adhering to this tradition doesn’t guarantee that every family is eager to compose a positive eulogy for the departed. In fact, some families opt to air their grievances in the obituary rather than expressing fond memories.

Consider the family highlighted in today’s video, for example. Surprisingly, the adult children of Kathleen Dehmlow from Redwood Falls, Minnesota, chose to publish a harsh obituary about their late mother, airing their grievances for the entire community to read.

While the obituary starts off conventionally, the last paragraph reveals the deep resentment these two individuals harbor toward their mom. We won’t spoil the most impactful part, but it concludes with the statement, “…this world is a better place without her.” Yes, it’s as scathing as it sounds!

According to Business Insider, the Redwood Falls Gazette, the newspaper that initially published the obituary, decided to remove it from its online platform due to substantial public backlash.

In a recent interview with the Star Tribune, a family member acknowledged the controversial details in the widely circulated obituary but also admitted that there were significant gaps in the late mother’s life story. Dwight Dehmlow, the family member, expressed a different perspective on Ms. Dehmlow’s actions, emphasizing that people make mistakes and that she had regretted hers over the years.

While acknowledging the obituary’s hurtful content, Dwight Dehmlow criticized the writer for choosing a path of hatred. The public has questioned why the local paper published such an inflammatory piece, prompting the CEO and founder of the paper, Stopher Bartol, to state that, although these paid pieces are not illegal, they take the trust of their partners and the families they serve seriously, and they will review and adjust procedures as needed.

If you’re curious to delve into the entirety of this unconventional obituary, the video below provides more details on this extraordinary situation. We’re eager to hear your thoughts on this non-traditional approach. Are you surprised that the estranged children chose to portray their mother’s life in this manner? Do you believe she deserved such a representation? Have you ever contemplated publishing a similarly scathing obituary?

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