Meet The Vet Who Walks Around Treating Homeless Peoples Pets For Free

Homeless people have a hard time surviving out on the streets on their own. They face various difficulties when taking care of themselves as well as their pets. Homeless people find it difficult to procure healthcare for their pets. Luckily for the homeless, a goodhearted man is doing his very best to help these penniless souls by providing healthcare for their pets. Dr. Stewart Kwane is a street veterinarian who possesses a heart of gold.

This veterinarian is dedicated to the cause of treating the helpless pets belonging to the homeless living in California. Since 2011, he has worked towards helping these poor creatures. Dr. Kwane also pays for veterinary costs and basic food costs using the money he earns after long days of work. On every occasion, Dr. Stewart is doing his rounds he does not forget to bring his medical bag along, just in case it might come in handy in treating any sick or injured animal he encounters.

At one point when his mission to help these innocent animals became quite costly, he began a GoFundMe page hoping to find resources for the treatments. Dr. Kwane claims that “The cost of minor treatments like ear infections, flea treatment, or vaccines can be around $100, whereas more serious cases of pet care like a tumor removal or dental with extractions can be $1,500.”Thus, it is obvious that tending to these animals in need can be expensive.

Dinker the little pup is one of Dr. Kwane’s patients who is undergoing treatment. This doggo has a rare condition that requires him to undergo surgery from a specialist. Though Dr. Kwane is trying his best, the procedure that Dinker needs to undergo is expensive. So, he would love it if all the charitable people out there could help him out financially through his GoFundMe page.

Up to now, the page has been a success and Dr. Kwane was thrilled about the kindness of all the people who were nice enough to fund his endeavors. This veterinarian proves that kindness still exists in this world. The homeless people living in California are forever in his debt for helping them and their pets during hard times.

Image Credit & More Info; Dr. Kwane Stewart | facebook | Project Street Vet

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