Turkish Photographer Captures The Mesmerizing Beauty of Children’s Eyes (20 Pics)

Each set of eyes perceives the world in a unique way. Regardless of color, size, or shape, they show an unheard aspect of the person. A pair of eyes’ emotional movements are a window into a soul that may leave you speechless. Turkish photographer Abdullah Aydemir has caught the essence of eyes, particularly those of youngsters.

He has taken photographs of little models he encounters on the streets while working in Istanbul, and they are really stunning. His outstanding photography has wonderfully captured the silent secrets hidden behind the hypnotic magnificence of these young beauties’ eyes.

Scroll down to discover the language of these innocent gazes for yourself. Don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comments! Here’s where you can see more of Abdullah Aydemir‘s work.





















Follow: Abdullah Aydemir / Instagram

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