The small hole on the sink, which seems unnecessary actually has a surprising function.

Many bathroom sinks feature a small hole positioned close to the faucet. A common question that arises is whether this hole serves a purpose or if it is simply superfluous.

This unassuming little hole, situated about a third of the way up the basin, is a smart design element that showcases the foresight of the sink’s designer, who considered various potential situations.

This small opening connects to the drainage system below. Users often forget to turn off the faucet, such as when they step away to take a phone call while waiting for the sink to fill. In these moments, if the water level rises to two-thirds of the sink, it will flow through the hole into the drainage pipe, effectively preventing any overflow that could lead to a flooded bathroom.

While this overflow feature is quite useful, it can also present some challenges. Its somewhat inconvenient location makes it prone to collecting bacteria and mold, which can result in unpleasant odors emanating from the pipes.

If you detect a bad smell in the bathroom, particularly from this small hole, a simple solution is to mix vinegar and baking soda and pour it into the sink’s opening.

The resulting chemical reaction will help clear out any grime in the pipes within 5 to 10 minutes. To finish, rinse the sink with warm water to complete the cleaning. This approach will help keep your bathroom smelling fresh and looking clean.

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