Third Grade Teacher Gives A Science Lesson In A Full Body Suit!

Meet Verónica Duque, a dedicated and passionate teacher who goes above and beyond to educate her students. With 15 years of teaching experience under her belt, Verónica teaches natural and social sciences, art, English, and Spanish to third-grade students. Always on the lookout for innovative ways to engage her students, she recently took an unconventional approach to teach anatomy in her science class.

While browsing the internet, Verónica stumbled upon an ad for an AliExpress swimsuit that depicted the human body’s internal organs in great detail. Realizing how challenging it could be for young children to visualize the human anatomy, she decided to give it a shot. Donning the full-body suit, Verónica turned herself into a walking, talking anatomical lesson for her students.


Her husband, Mike, captured pictures of her unique teaching method and shared them on Twitter, causing an instant viral sensation. The tweet garnered over 70K likes and 14K comments, making Verónica an emblem of creativity and dedication in the education community. However, Verónica’s commitment to her students doesn’t end there.

She has a history of using disguises in her lessons to make learning more exciting and engaging for her students. For instance, she employs cardboard crowns to teach grammatical categories such as nouns, adjectives, and verbs, creating different “grammar kingdoms” to capture her students’ imagination.

Verónica is determined to challenge the stereotype that teachers are lazy bureaucratic public servants. She believes that educators put in significant effort and dedication to shape young minds positively. Her husband couldn’t be prouder of her bold and imaginative teaching approach, which has garnered admiration from people worldwide.


Some internet commenters likened Verónica’s full-body suit approach to that of Slim Goodbody, a character created by John Burstein. Slim Goodbody has been promoting children’s health for over four decades and reaches millions of kids through his productions on Discovery Education. His live shows tour theaters across the US, touching the lives of thousands of children annually. Additionally, Slim has authored fifty children’s books and received recognition from prestigious organizations like Parent’s Choice, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, and the World Health Organization.

Verónica Duque’s dedication to her students and her creative teaching methods have left a lasting impact on her students and the education community. Through her innovative approach to teaching, she is fostering a love for learning and inspiring future generations to embrace education with enthusiasm.

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